The New ERA of Digital Dentistry

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Digital Smile Design (DSD):

DSD is a technology-driven approach that uses digital imaging and design tools to plan cosmetic dental treatments. It allows dentists to create a customized smile design based on a patient’s facial features and preferences.

Minimally Invasive Techniques:

Many patients are seeking cosmetic treatments that preserve as much natural tooth structure as possible. Minimally invasive procedures, such as tooth bonding and veneers, are becoming more popular as they require less removal of enamel.

Teeth Whitening Advances:

Teeth whitening treatments have seen advancements in technology and formulations, providing more effective and efficient results with reduced sensitivity. In-office and at- home whitening options are widely available.

Alignment with Clear Aligners:

Clear aligners, like Invisalign, have gained popularity for straightening teeth discreetly. This approach is often preferred by adults who want to improve their smile without traditional braces.

Lip Fillers and Botox Adjacencies:

Some cosmetic dentists are offering facial aesthetics services like lip fillers and Botox treatments to complement dental work and enhance overall facial appearance.

dental before and after

Customized Veneers and Crowns:

Advancements in materials and technology allow for the creation of highly customized veneers and crowns that closely mimic natural teeth in terms of color, texture, and translucency.

Smile Makeovers and Full Mouth Rehabilitation:

Comprehensive smile makeovers, sometimes involving a combination of treatments like veneers, teeth whitening, and orthodontics, are being used to create dramatic transformations. Full mouth rehabilitation is also gaining attention for restoring both aesthetics and function.

Biocompatible and Sustainable Materials:

More patients are showing interest in environmentally friendly and biocompatible materials for their dental work, which aligns with the broader trend of sustainability.

3D Printing and Digital Dentistry: Dental labs are increasingly using 3D printing and digital scanning technologies to create accurate and efficient restorations, prosthetics, and aligners.

What our patients say

Coulsdon Dental Clinic is proud to have a 4.8 star rating on Google Reviews.